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Our Summer 2024 Newsletter celebrates our Summit community #ScalingNewHeights for our children, young people and communities across our academies.
Read it here;
This week our #FridayFeeling features @PegasusPrimary and showcases the strong performance of their Year 6 cohort #ScalingNewHeights to reach the Summit.
@YarnfieldSch @ErdingtonHallPS @KinetonGreenPS @TheOaklandsBham @CockshutHillSch @Ninestiles @LyndonSchool @solihull6thform
What an honour for our @CockshutHillSch @Ninestiles colleagues to attend the @TeachingAwards Silver Award Winners celebration @RoyalAutomobile Club for Afternoon Tea. Congratulations to this year's winners! #TeachingHeroes
All ready to welcome everyone to our #Summit2024 The Conference @solihull6thform
This week #FridayFeeling shares the fantastic work of @ErdingtonHallPS Wellbeing Champions who have been trained to support their peers.
@CockshutHillSch @LyndonSchool @Ninestiles @TheOaklandsBham @PegasusPrimary @kinetonGreenPS @YarnfieldSch @sfcsapply
A huge thanks to Carmen Watson DL @WMLieutenancy and our for officially opening @KinetonGreenPS as a Summit academy and joining the Kineton Green community at their Summer Fayre. A huge thanks also goes to all our guests who joined us in the celebrations.