It is expected that all children will attend school every day with a minimum attendance of 96%.
Starting school is an important step in the life of a child; we therefore try to make it a pleasurable and happy one.
Kineton Green welcomes visits from prospective parents. If you would like to visit the school please telephone to make an appointment, or come on one of the ‘Open days.’
FS1 (Nursery)
Kineton Green Primary admits 26 children into our part-time, morning nursery (FS1). The bulk of our admissions occur in September, but children can be enrolled at the start of the term after they become 3 years old, if there are available places.
If there are more applications for FS1 than places available, places will be allocated using clear criteria as outlined in the admissions guidance which is available to download here (KGS Nursery Admissions Guidance 2022). Higher priority is given to children with siblings already attending our school, those living within the school’s local area, and applicants that have exceptional social or medical grounds.
The standard school provision is 3 hours per day Monday – Friday (15 hours per week). Working parents may be entitled to additional free childcare, advice regarding entitlement, is given here Get 30 hours free childcare: step by step – GOV.UK (
All enquiries to the school office
FS2 (Reception)
Government developments require that Nursery (FS1) and Reception (FS2), classes be managed as a discrete stage – Foundation Stage.
The school cannot guarantee a FS1 (Nursery) pupil will be admitted to the FS2 (Reception) class. Parents of children in FS1 must complete an online application to request a FS2 place. (The school can provide current LEA criteria for the allocation of places).
In Solihull, children start in FS2 in September following their fourth birthday.
Kineton Green Primary School provides thirty full time places in FS2.
Apply to Solihull Council
KS1 (Infant) and KS2 (Junior)
Parents of KS2 (Reception) children do not need to apply for a KS1 (Infant) place as children will automatically continue into the Infant department.
Parents of KS1 (Infant) children in primary schools do not need to apply for a KS2 (Junior) place as children will automatically continue into the Junior department.